And Stephen Grover Cleveland, Thomas Woodrow Wilson and John Calvin Coolidge dropped their first names. 而克利夫兰总统、威尔逊总统和柯立芝总统甚至弃用了他们的名字,只用了姓氏。
An adherent of the theological doctrines of John Calvin. 约翰加尔文的神学学说的追随者。
The theological system of John Calvin and his followers emphasizing omnipotence of God and salvation by grace alone. 加尔文和他的信徒的神学体系,强调神的万能和只有优雅才可得救。
Sanctified secularity and secularized sacredness& comments on historical background of John Calvin's religious reformation 神圣化的世俗世俗化的神圣&兼评加尔文宗教改革的历史背景
The Protestant denomination adhering to the views of John Calvin. 坚持约翰加尔文观点的新教教派。
Group of Baptist congregations believing the teachings of the French theologian John Calvin who believed in strict predetermination. 施洗者圣会团体,信仰法国神学家约翰加尔文的教义,他相信严格预言学说。
One of the greatest social scientists credits John Calvin for the rise of capitalism and, by extension, modern Western culture itself. 有个伟大的社会科学家把资本主义的兴起,以及随着资本主义而来的现代西方文化,归功于约翰•加尔文。
Martin Luther, John Calvin – and many before them and after them – were awakened to the truth. 不是唯有你在走这条路。马丁路德,加尔文,还有很多在他们以前的信徒,都曾被《圣经》真理唤醒。
The religious doctrines of John Calvin, emphasizing the omnipotence of God and the salvation of the elect by God's grace alone. 约翰·卡尔文的宗教教义,强调上帝是万能的,以及仁慈上帝对人的救赎作用。
John Calvin's Geneva, 16th century: And Sarah Palin's Wasilla, 21st century. 约翰加尔文的日内瓦,16世纪:佩林的瓦西拉,21世纪。
Art works by John Calvin Portman 约翰·波特曼的艺术作品
The Reformation in Geneva led by John Calvin obviously had its social functions while it reconstructed the theological system and religious life. 加尔文领导的日内瓦宗教改革运动,在重新构建神学体系和教会生活的同时,亦凸显了社会功能。